Anchored Passages LLC
My Code of Ethics
(Effective as of April 1, 2022)
I am a member of NEDA, the National End of Life Doula Alliance, and I adhere to their Code of Ethics. NEDA provides the highest ethical standards to guide my practice and conduct. As an elder care professional and practitioner, I agree to:
act honestly and truthfully and with integrity in all of my transactions and dealings;
represent my profession in a responsible, ethical and professional manner at all times;
provide non-medical, non-judgmental support and guidance to individuals and families through times of critical and transformative life change;
nurture, inform, support, guide, empower, comfort and advocate for my clients;
foster self-determination in my clients and assist them in making informed choices;
avoid conflicts of interest that interfere with discretion and impartial judgment;
appropriately handle actual or apparent conflicts of interest in my relationships;
treat every individual with dignity and respect;
honor confidentiality and respect the privacy of all involved
comply with both the spirit and letter of the law;
act responsibly toward the communities in which I work and for the benefit of the communities that I serve;
be responsible, transparent and accountable for all of my actions;
take all necessary precautions to safeguard electronic, written, and spoken communications;
make referrals to appropriate professional and community resources when my client’s needs are beyond my scope of practice;
accurately represent my training, expertise, and credentials;
not impose my own values or beliefs on the client;
refrain from giving medical advice or persuade clients to follow a specific course of action or treatment
not usurp the role of other professionals and caregivers providing support to the client